I am sure it is achievable and I am missing something. P.S I have also tried by removing the special characters but no luck. I wanted elasticsearch either to not do the tokenization and store the numbers without special characters e.g "+175 (2) 123-25-32" to be converted into "+17521232532" OR simply index the number as it is so that It would be available in search result. I have analyzed the tokens using analyze api, elasticsearch is tokenizing the field into multiple fields as follow curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_analyze' -d ' Elasticsearch offers a variety of ways to specify built-in or custom analyzers: By text field, index, or query For index or search time Keep it simple The flexibility to specify analyzers at different levels and for different times is great but only when it’s needed. Your indexing template will need to specify the analyzer for the field.I have postgres array column which I wanted to be indexed and then use it in search. In SQL, multivalue fields require the creation of accessory tables that must be joined in order to gather all the values, leading to. Provide a telephone or sip address prefixed by tel: or sip: with no spaces or symbols. An array or a multivalue field is very common in data models (such as multiple phone numbers, addresses, names, aliases, and so on), but it is not natively supported in traditional SQL solutions. The analyzer also strips a leading + from phone numbers. It does minimal tokenization: If a term starts with sip: or tel: it strips this part and generates a token for it.

See Specify the search analyzer for a field. def standardasciianalyzer (): ''' Elasticsearchs standard analyzer with asciifolding. The searchanalyzer mapping parameter for the field.

See Specify the search analyzer for a query. This project provides three analyzers that are intended for different contexts. At search time, Elasticsearch determines which analyzer to use by checking the following parameters in order: The analyzer parameter in the search query.

bin/plugin -url file:///.elasticsearch-phone/target/releases/elasticsearch-phone-1.0.0.zip -install elasticsearch-phone Analyzers We'll improve as time goes on, but use at your own risk. It hasn't happened yet, so here's a plugin that attempts to do just that. A lot of people have requested elasticsearch integrate google's libphone library into a custom lucene analyzer. An international phone number often includes a country code, but that can be 1, 2, or 3+ digits. It's a hard problem to regex your way out of. For us 6/7ths of our indexes were waisted on useless sip address tokens. In SQL, multi-value fields require the creation of accessory tables that must be joined to gather all the values, leading to poor. Working in a call center focused company we quickly figured out how wasteful that is on the storage front. An array or multi-value fields are very common in data models (such as multiple phone numbers, addresses, names, aliases, and so on), but not natively supported in traditional SQL solutions. We did that for a while with ngram min=3 & max=35, but the result was often 100s of tokens per sip address. You can find only terms that exist in the inverted index. To match something, the smallest unit had to be a single term. A keen observer will notice that all the queries so far in this book have operated on whole terms.

Indexing phone numbers & sip addresses in lucene is complicated. Partial Matching - Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide Book Chapter 16.